arjunagw's Account

arjunagw • 3 days, 3 hours ago

What’s a movie you can rewatch a million times and never get bored?

Some movies are great the first time but lose their magic on a rewatch. Others somehow get even better every time. What’s that one movie yo…

arjunagw • 3 days, 21 hours ago

Planning to go to Switzerland. Any travel tips?

Hey everyone, I'm looking to stay a few nights anywhere in Switzerland! What are some cities I should visit and places I should eat? Also, …

arjunagw • 3 days, 20 hours ago

That's an awesome shot. The coolest place for me is up north in New Hampshire. The fall colors there and the White Mountains National Forest are a must-see.

arjunagw • 3 days, 21 hours ago

There seems to be a bug in gcc and MSVC preventing the instantiation of accept using Types... values, but you can work around it by using auto...

arjunagw • 3 days, 21 hours ago

It’s not just speed — my wrists feel better after long coding sessions. Look into ergonomic options too.